Dentons Davis Brown
2020 Iowa Legislative Report
Miscellaneous Tax Changes in HF2641
Iowa Law Changes Affecting 529 Plan Accounts
Iowa Reinvestment Act Rejuvenated
Pay Your Taxes On Time – New Tax Laws Change Penalties
The Iowa Legislature's passage of HF2641 makes several changes to Iowa tax law. Among these changes are updates to the Department of Revenue's penalties.
Iowa Legislature’s 2020 Sales and Use Tax Changes
The Iowa Legislature passed a bill enacting several changes to Iowa tax laws - including sales and use tax.
2020 Legislative Report End of Session Summary
After an 11-week recess due to COVID-19 and a number of long days and late nights, the "second" session of the 88th General Assembly of Iowa adjourned sine die at 1:40 p.m. Sunday, June 14, 2020, almost two months after it was originally scheduled to adjourn (April 21, the 100th day).
Legislative Session Resumes for 2020 2.0
Legislators returned to the Capitol Wednesday, June 3, to resume the 2020 session after being paused due to COVID-19 for 11 weeks. The session is expected to adjourn sine die for 2020 on Friday, June 12.
May 29 Update – State and Federal COVID-19 Response
The Legislature reconvenes next week and Governor Reynolds continues to relax restrictions in the state.
May 14 State COVID-19 Response
This week, the Governor issued her twelfth State of Public Health Disaster Emergency Declaration. The Iowa House Republicans issued a press release, stating the intention of the legislature to resume the 2020 legislative session at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3.
May 8 Update – State and Federal COVID-19 Response
Governor Reynolds continues to open up the state and the federal government moves forward on additional funding.